Working Group
Working Group
Federica Cheli is Full Professor in Animal Nutrition at the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences of the University of Milan and Coordinator of the Ph.D. Course in Nutrition Sciences at the same University. She is responsible for the project activity “Development of an eco-sustainable biotechnological process for production of alternative source of proteins: cellular agriculture for novel food”, of the PNRR Project “ONFOODS: Research and innovation network on Food and Nutrition Sustainability, Safety and Security”. Her research activities concern sustainable innovation in animal nutrition; feed quality and safety; cellular agriculture.
Maria Giulia Corazza is Post-Graduate Fellow (Assegnista di ricerca) in Comparative Public Law at the Department of Law, Politics and International Studies of the University of Parma. She graduated in Law at the University of Parma. Her research activities focus on agricultural innovation policies and food law, with particular attention to Novel Foods.
Antonio D’Aloia is Full Professor in Constitutional Law at the Department of Law, Politics and International Studies of the University of Parma and Director of the University Center for Bioethics of the University of Parma. He is a member of GEIG (Global Ecological Integrity Group) and a member of the Steering Committee of Biolaw Journal. He participates at the research groups on Food Sustainability and Food Innovation within the Excellence Law Department Project Food for Future, University of Parma. He has been working for years on the issues of sustainability, intergenerational responsibility, and climate change from a constitutional law perspective.
Niccolò Dazzi is Ph.D. student at the Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law of the University of Milan. His research activities concern constitutional law, as well as public administration and the third sector, within the PNRR Ph. D. in Intersectoral Innovation. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in International and European Sciences and a Master’s Degree in Law and Sustainable Development (University of Milan).
Maria Chiara Errigo is Research Fellow and Assistant Professor in Constitutional Law at the Department of Law, Politics and International Studies of the University of Parma. She is a member of the University Center for Bioethics and of the Biolaw Journal’s Editorial Team. She is currently involved in the PNRR Project “ONFOODS: Research and innovation network on Food and Nutrition Sustainability, Safety and Security” and participates at the research groups on Food Sustainability and Food Innovation within the Project “Food for Future” Department of Excellence 2023-2027 of the Department of Law, Politics and International Studies, University of Parma.
Giulia Formici is Assistant Professor in Public Comparative Law at the Department of Law, Politics and International Studies of the University of Parma. She has awarded a Post-Doc grant on the project “Food sustainability and technological innovation: from cultured meat to edible insects” at the University of Parma. She is currently involved in the projects: “Food for Future” Department of Excellence 2023-2027 of the Department of Law, Politics and International Studies, University of Parma; PRIN PNRR 2022 “New Sustainability Governance”; Jean Monnet Module Project “Feeding Future Generation Sustainably: Legal Challenges and Scientific Innovation”. She is also member of the University Center for Bioethics. Her research activities concern food sustainability, innovation in the agri-food sector, Novel Foods, with particular attention to edible insects and cultured meat.
Maria Clara Maffei is Researcher in International Law at the Department of Law, Politics and International Studies of the University of Parma. She holds a Ph.D. in International Law from the University of Milan and she was a Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute of Fiesole. Her research interests mainly focus on international human rights (including cultural rights concerning traditional food and religious food), international environmental law (including the protection of animals and their welfare) and international law of the sea.
Alessio Malcevschi is Researcher in Agricultural Genetics at the Department of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability of the University of Parma. He teaches Food Sustainability at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Parma. He holds a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology at University of Parma and a Post Doc fellowship at Cambridge Laboratory (John Innes Institute, Norwich). He currently is Rector’s Delegate for RUS (The Italian University Network for Sustainable Development). He is the organizer of ASviS (The Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development) festival on Agenda 2030 in Parma.
Maria Cecilia Paglietti is Associate Professor of Private Comparative Law at the Law Department of Roma Tre University. Ph. D. in Consumers and Market at Roma Tre University, she has been a member of the local unit of the STARS project (Skills Transfer in Academia: a Renewed Strategy) in the frame of the Erasmus Plus programme. Her research interests concern European and Comparative Law; Consumer Law (national, Comparative and European law); Payment Services Law; Civil Justice Systems; Procedural Law; ADR; Clinical Legal Education; Private Funding Litigation; Cosmetics Law. University Network for Sustainable Development).
Eduardo Parisi is Research Fellow in Administrative Law at the Department of Environmental Science and Policy of the University of Milan. He carries out teaching and research activities on issues of administrative law, both substantive and procedural, and on environmental law. He collaborates with qualified national and foreign research groups engaged in the study of public contracting aimed at the pursuit of sustainability objectives in the construction sector.
Giada Ragone is Assistant Professor in Constitutional Law at the Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law of the University of Milan. She holds a Ph.D. in Law, Market and Person at Ca’ Foscari, University of Venice. She is Principal Investigator of the PRIN PNRR 2022 Project “Coping with Climate Change. Method, Reasons and Procedure for Science Based Policy Making” and she is also member of the Jean Monnet Module Project “Feeding Future Generation Sustainably: Legal Challenges and Scientific Innovation”. Her research interests concern the relationship between science and law, both on the judicial and on the legislative ground (i.e. biolaw and bio-ethic; neuroscience and new technologies; food safety; environment and One Health).
Francesco Rossi Dal Pozzo is Full Professor of European Union Law Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law of the University of Milan. He is a member of the Board Committee of the Italian Association of European Union Law Scholars (AISDUE) and a member of the IP and Antitrust Commission of the Council of the Milan Bar Association. He has authored numerous scientific contributions on different topics of EU law, internal market law, competition, health, protection of fundamental rights and innovation in the food and agricultural sector (i.e. GMOs and NBT).
Cecilia Sanna is Associate Professor of European Union Law at the Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law of the University of Milan. She holds the courses in Institutions of European Union Law, the EU and Third Countries and co-owns the course in European Transport Law. In her research activity she dealt with the aspects of Union law relating to the protection of the environment, health and the One Health approach. She is a member of the scientific committee of the Center for Studies on the Law and Sciences of Agriculture, Food and the Environment and of the University’s One Health Action Hub project.
Giuseppe Spoto is Full Professor of Private Law at the Law Department of Roma Tre University, where he also teaches Agrarian Law. He is the author of numerous essays, monographs, and studies in agri-food law. Ph. D., lawyer, he is a member of the Italian Food Law Association (AIDA) and the World Union of University Agrarians (UMAU). He has participated abroad in conferences on food law, novel food, food labelling and in international research groups on agri-food law. He is a professor at the Master of Food Law.
Gabriella Tedeschi is Full Professor in Biochemistry at the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences of the University of Milan. She is Rector’s Delegate for the Technological Platforms of the University of Milan and member of the referee panel of MIUR. Her research interests deal with the study of proteins and proteic patterns through proteomic methods (mass spectrometry, immunochemistry, bioinformatic) focusing on the impact of enviromental pollution and temperature variation at molecular level and on the proteic component in food and feed.
Paola Torretta is Full Professor of Constitutional Law at the Department of Law, Politics and International Studies of the University of Parma. She is President of the First Cycle Degree Course in Social Work and of the Second Cycle Degree Course in Management of Social Work. She is member of the Biolaw Journal’s Editorial Team. Her teaching activities include Welfare and Public law and Constitutional law.
Sara Valaguzza is Full Professor of Administrative Law at the Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law of the University of Milan. She currently holds courses in Administrative and Environmental Law, Urban and Construction Law, Green Procurement and Public Private Partnership for Sustainable Development. Through her studies she has contributed to reshaping the regulation of public contracts, orienting it toward social and environmental objectives. She is President of the European Association of Public Private Partnerships and a member of the Alliance Steering Group, an international research committee on collaborative contracts and the Group’s contact person for Italy.
Mario Veneziani is Associate Professor in Agri-Food Economics at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Parma. He has 14 years of research experience on topics of agricultural and food economics, including the organization of Agri-Food Systems, the role of Agricultural Policies in shaping farmers’ behaviour, and the impact of information and certifications on consumer behaviour. He has an established publication record on internationally recognised outlets.
Davide Zecca is Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Comparative Public Law at the Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law of the University of Milan. He was previously awarded a research fellowship at the University of Milan on the PNRR Project “ONFOODS: Research and innovation network on Food and Nutrition Sustainability, Safety and Security”, with specific focus on the interplay between the implementation of subsidiarity governance approaches and the strategies to reduce food waste. He was also research fellow at Bocconi University, where he graduated before completing a PhD in Public Law, International and Criminal Justice at the University of Pavia.